11 September, 2009

The Prestige

My No. 1 movie of all time is Memento. I think it's innovative, unique, creative, intriguing, captivating.. Any adjective you can think of attributing to a movie you like I would easily apply to Memento.

I was curious to see something else from Christopher Nolan and having watched Insomnia (which I didn't like very much) and being very sceptical about Batman movies the choice had to be The Prestige.

I was attracted by the great casting: Hugh Jackman (who according to me is the best looking actor at the moment), Christian Bale (loved him in The American Psycho), Scarlett Johansson (one of the best young actresses), Michael Caine (no explanation needed) and David Bowie (amazing!!). So, given the cast I was expecting a lot from this movie, ignoring even its duration of more than 2 hours.
After having watched it I can only say that all of my expectations were fulfilled. All of the actors perfect for the role, a great story which keeps your eyes glued to the screen not wanting to miss even one second, amazing twist making you guess all the way through the movie, and the scenery moody and evocative, easily transporting you into the time period.

I am not going to explain what the movie is about here, you can easily read it here. I will just say that you should watch this movie, you won't regret the 2 hours you spend.

.. And after you've seen it, if you are wondering about the song in the end, here it is, amazingly performed by Thom Yorke: