20 October, 2009

(500) Days of Summer

I am not a fan of romantic comedies. Usually, I put the film on my computer, I watch it and then immediately delete it. It was not the case with (500) Days of Summer. I liked this movie with Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Dechanel. Not in a wow-what-a-great-movie way, but I just thought the manner in which love and relationships were presented were interesting and very close to reality. The notion that it's not a typical romantic comedy is being repeated many times, and although it doesn't succeed to avoid some cliches, it is still refreshing and touchingly narrated story.

My favorite scene of the movie is the representation of how the boy feels after he gets the girl he liked for some time. It's a little bit cheesy, but haven't we all felt like running around and dancing when we've realized we are happy in love?

What i also liked is the retro feel of the whole film. Both Zooey Dechanel's and Joseph Gordon-Levitt's clothes are super-cute.